Ladybug wings

Making costumes for kids is fun, you can showcase your creative side. But at the same time it can get stressful for the parents. Here I will show you a very simple step by step process to make ladybug wings which you can do within half an hour or so. The only thing you might need is the right colour felt material and some of your time. Think about all the money and the time you will save going to a store and buying a costume which the kid will probably wear just for one day.  

You need:
1. Red felt (about half meter)
2. Black felt (quarter meter)
3. Cardboard or hard paper (use cardboard boxes or cereal boxes)
4. Scissors
5. Glue
6. Red thread
7. One needle

1. Draw one circle on a cardboard or hard paper. You can use a large plate to trace the circle on the cardboard. Cut out the cardboard circle using the scissors.

 2. Draw the same shape on the red felt. This time you need two circles – one for the front and one for the back of the wing. Cut out the two red felt circles using a scissor.
3. Cut a wedge section out from the cardboard circle and the two red felt circles. I cut the felt circles a little larger than the cardboard circle (1 cm larger all around).
4. Place the cardboard cut out in between the two red felt circles. Now you can either use a sewing machine or needle and thread to stitch all around the perimeter of the wing.  Only the red felt should be visible from both sides with the cardboard cutout tucked inside. 
5. Draw six smaller circles on black felt using a small glass.
I have shown white felt here since I ran out of black felt
6. Cut out the smaller circles using the scissors.
7. Glue the smaller circles on the wings.
8. Attach the wing on the dress using the thread and needle. You can use a red T-shirt and black leggings for the ladybug colours. 
This is how the finished product should look like


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